Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday, February 23

Brit Hume ♥ The Press

A summary of today's Grapevine:

Would you believe it? Brit Hume just loves the L.A. Times and the Washington Post! Seems both those papers are running editorials poo pooing the fuss over Dear Leader's misunderstood and unfairly maligned U.A.E. port deal. Go Times! Go Post! Rah, rah, rah!

In China, meanwhile, government officials are totally pissed at Google! You might think that it was wrong for Google to collaborate with Chinese officials in censoring the internet and stamping out Democratic reforms before they can even begin to take root. You'd be so totally wrong! If Chinese officials had their way, Google would be spamming Chinese citizens' mailboxes with billions of offers for hot, sexy, uncensored copies of Mao's Little Red Book. But Google's like.. no way, man! We believe in Freedom!

Also, it appears that a Dean at Harvard has written a letter apologizing for offending Muslims... Didja hear that? A friggin dean, man! At friggin, Harvard!

Finally, it seems that a geography teacher somewhere in Colorado doesn't very much like George W. Bush, and has told his students as much. Aren't we lucky to have a national television newscaster of Brit Hume's stature and prominence bringing us news of this dire, homegrown Coloradoan threat to the republic? Baaaad, teacher... baaaad.... now, don't do that again, you hear me?!


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