Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday, May 24. 2006

Slamming the Dixie Chicks

In today's Grapevine, Brit Hume takes a swing at the Dixie Chicks whose new album "Taking The Long Way" resurrects the group's well publicized feud with President Bush:

No Apologies

Country Music's Dixie Chicks say they're taking back their take-back of a famous -- and costly -- slam on President Bush. Singer Natalie Maines told a concert audience in 2003 that the group was "ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."

Maines apologized for "disrespecting the office of the president" after album sales plummeted, but now tells Time Magazine, "I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever."

The group's new album isn't getting much play on country radio either. One Miami station tells Billboard Magazine it pulled the single, "Not Ready to Make Nice," which references the scandal, due to listener complaints after only one week.

Hume did not feel it worth noting, on the other hand, that "Taking The Long Way" is currently ranked at #1 in's album sales charts. Some Country radio station execs. may have banned the album, but that hasn't stopped Americans from linning up to buy it.


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